The Plan

So here's my plan. Or at least what I kind of have in my head as my "running plan". My goal is a little vague this year with running. I want to be a better runner. I don't necessarily want to just be faster, but I want to be faster. And I want my endurance to be better. Right now, there really isn't a difference between my slow pace and my fast pace. I can run a long time slowly, but it's never "easy" for me. More vague comments, I know.

So here's what I am thinking. I just started the Couch to 5K plan. I can already run for 30 minutes, but since it's not 30 easy minutes, I am going to shoot for that. Start slow if I have to, and repeat weeks until they feel easy. I really don't know if there's anything to this method, but it seems to make sense to me. I know the best thing I can do for my speed right now is to lose weight. And the best thing I can do for weight loss is to be consistent. Having a plan helps me with the consistent part at least. In the past I've always focused on going farther, albeit slowly. I think I've always skimped on base building and settled for a long slow plod.

Of course, I'm hoping some experienced runners will chime in with advise for me :)


  1. Sounds like a good plan!

    I've been running since fall of 2007 and dropping weight/eating better has made a huge differnce. I lost 20 pounds last year and PR'd every single distance I ran that year. Some of those PRs had been hanging on from early 2009!

    Good luck!!


  2. At this stage of the game don't neglect your core and stability stuff. That's part of building a base to work from. A strong core and strong stabilizers will help keep you injury-free as you start to rack up the miles.

    Sit down with a calendar and plot out your workouts, based on your schedule. Make it something you can live with and be sure to include recovery. Do your best to meet that schedule, but don't beat up on your self if "stuff" happens and you miss a day or two, here or there. Shrug it off and keep going. The trick is to be able to sort out the genuine REASONS for missing a workout and the BS EXCUSES we all feed ourselves from time-to-time.

    ....but above all... KEEP IT FUN!


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